At Uno Traveler Peru we practice values and virtues that help us improve as a tourism company. Our values and virtues are based on our policies of business and social ethics. These policies regulate our commitments, which make the optimal functioning of our activities possible: providing a quality service to our clients, complying with legal regulations, continuously training all staff, ensuring the protection of the environment, participating and collaborating in the socioeconomic improvement of the communities involved in the development of our activities.

Respect for human rights. We are a company that respects and values human resources in all areas and contexts involved in our activities: we do not allow any discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, social class, and we sanction the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. We also provide all our workers with a fair salary, social benefits, ongoing training, job stability, and adequate periods of recreation and rest.


At Uno Traveler Peru we focus on offering an optimal service with international quality standards, based on personalized attention, meeting the requirements and demands of our clients through the continuous innovation of our policies.


We help improve the skills of our staff. At Uno Traveler Peru we identify with our staff, making each of them more committed to providing quality services, safety and environmental sustainability, in order to have efficient and qualified collaborators.


We at Uno Traveler Peru are descendants of indigenous people, and therefore we consider ourselves children of Pacha Mama (Mother Earth). We love nature and we are deeply committed to caring for the environment and its surroundings. For this reason, we have implemented activities aimed at the sustainable use of resources. We seek to reduce the use of polluting agents.


At Uno Traveler Peru, our fundamental pillars are the practice of sustainable use of natural, historical and cultural resources, concern for socioeconomic improvement, and contribution to improving the education of boys and girls in local communities in the region.


At Uno Traveler Peru we respect human rights, we respect and value people, therefore we are against all types of discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, political opinion. We also sanction all types of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents within and outside of tourism activities.